Saturday, March 26, 2011

Mill Creek Farm

On March 26th I went to the Mill Creek Farm along with SEA (students for environmental action) members to volunteer in anyway necessary. The first thing that they had us do was turn a long patch of bed so we could later on plant onions in it. We used pick forks and turned the soil over and then pulled out any weeds including: mugwort, grass, and rhizome roots. After we turned the whole bed and got out the weeds, which we put to the side, we then went to collect compost to spread on top of the bed. We went to the compost pile and shovel it in the wheel barrel and then bring it back to the bed and dump it. We dumped the compost every 3 feet or so until the whole bed had compost on it. Then we took rakes and raked the bed until the whole bed was covered with compost and was decently leveled. After that we took onion bulbs and sporadically planted the onions in a formation of 3 then 2 until we had no more left. After that we collected asparagus dead weeds and put it in the compost.

This was the first time I had done real physical labor and after I got home I took a 3hr nap! I can't believe Joe and Jade who run the Mill Creek Farm do this about 4-7 days a week, I do not know how they do it!

Hours spent: 3
Total hours: 4

Shoveling compost

The fruits of our labor! After turning the soil and spreading compost then we planted onions!

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