Monday, May 2, 2011
site hours justin oriente
ORGANIZATION (Ex: UC Green, Philly Orchard Project, etc..)
SITE LOCATION (Ex: Address, Park Name, etc...)
TIME LOGGED (in hours and minutes)
Sattlebrook Boy Scouts
Sattle River County Park
3 hours
Chinatown Development Corp.
4 hours
Phila Cares
Harrowgate Park
3 hours
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Harrowgate Park
Last saturday I complted my service hours by doing a service event at Harrowgate Park in Philadelphia near Kensignton. I was orignally supposed to go to the Wissahickion but since it got rained out I decided to do this event at the park that was scheduled for later on in the day. I found the event through the Philadelphia Cares volunteer website. I ended up calling the person as soon as I found out on Friday that the Wissahickion was canceled and they said they were doing their event starting at 12 when the weather was supposed to clear up. Lucky for us the weather did clear up in time and we were able to help clean up the park. While we were there we did some tree tending, and also helped to clean up the park. This was my second time planting both trees and doing clean up so I was expereienced enuogh to actually know what I was doing. One thing that I found interesting was that when we were planting the trees all of the soils were a good color but many of the trees that were already in the park looked worn out and tired. Also most of the trash in the park were bottles and other wrappers even though there were many
recyable and trash cans in the area. I believe that it is a more a problem of people simply not wanting to throw their trash away but more of an issue of people just not caring. Overall this was a very good experience that I learned a lot from.
Time 3 hours
Total time 10 hours :)
Monday, April 18, 2011
Community garden in East Harlem

Alli Kobylinski
Case Study Baltimore
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Case Study: Portland
Case Study: Portland
Philly Tree People
On April 17th I went with SEA (Students for Environmental Action) to help plant trees with Philly Tree People. All of the volunteers were assigned different blocks to plant trees. My group was assigned the corner of Coral and Susquehanna. Our small group planted 9 trees in total on the block. Each tree had a designated plot to be planted in and we dug the soil out so we could place the trees. Since we live in Philadelphia we ran into a couple problems when shoveling out the soil including coal, bricks, cobblestone, and concrete beneath the initial soil. We just ice picks and (strong men) to break up the difficult layers and then cleared the problem and continued to dig. Once we thought the hole was deep enough we placed the tree in and measured it and then mounted it with some soil. Then we filled in the hole around the roots and stepped on the soil to get out the air pockets. After that we watered the soil and layed down mulch and spread it out. We did all of this for each tree plot and then cleaned up. The nice thing to see was we were in a real community doing something for the block and several neighbors came out and offered water and thanked us for our work. The surprising thing was a couple neighbors even helped us shovel and use the ice picks to plant the trees. You can tell that the neighborhood is going to appreciate the trees. After all the work we headed to the Philadelphia Brewery and enjoyed a nice free lunch. Overall it was a good day with some awesome people!
Saturday, April 16, 2011
St. Malachy's Flower Planting
On April 15th I participated at St. Malachy's flower planting of additional bulbs around the parish center. Last time we were there we had laid new soil and mulch around the trees and planted a few flowers but this time we had more supplies.
In this one particular section another girl and I planted 20 Crocosmias and 36 Acidanthera. We dug a hole for each bulb and made sure there was room for it's roots and then covered it back up and watered the area.
In another section we planted lillies, strawberries, and a rose bush. There was over ten different areas that we planted a mixture of bulbs. It was also nice to see the other flowers we had previously planted about two weeks ago in bloom.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Alli Kobylinski - Volunteering at Citizens Bank Park
On April 7, I was chosen to work at Citizens Bank Park during the Phillies game collecting recyclables. I, along with about 30 other volunteers, were sent to designated areas in the stadium to walk up and down the aisles after each inning collecting plastic and glass bottles and aluminum cans. At first, we were having a little trouble getting the fans to give up their recyclables but as the game went on, we received more and more bottles! We seemed to grow on the fans in our designated aisles because each time we ran down they cheered and eagerly gave us there recyclables.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Rain gutter system
Monday, April 4, 2011
Common Tree Pests
Chinatown Clean Up April 2nd
Weather Temperture related urban stress
Monday, March 28, 2011
Cleanup and Tree Planting at Sattle River County Park
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Mill Creek Farm
On March 26th I went to the Mill Creek Farm along with SEA (students for environmental action) members to volunteer in anyway necessary. The first thing that they had us do was turn a long patch of bed so we could later on plant onions in it. We used pick forks and turned the soil over and then pulled out any weeds including: mugwort, grass, and rhizome roots. After we turned the whole bed and got out the weeds, which we put to the side, we then went to collect compost to spread on top of the bed. We went to the compost pile and shovel it in the wheel barrel and then bring it back to the bed and dump it. We dumped the compost every 3 feet or so until the whole bed had compost on it. Then we took rakes and raked the bed until the whole bed was covered with compost and was decently leveled. After that we took onion bulbs and sporadically planted the onions in a formation of 3 then 2 until we had no more left. After that we collected asparagus dead weeds and put it in the compost.
This was the first time I had done real physical labor and after I got home I took a 3hr nap! I can't believe Joe and Jade who run the Mill Creek Farm do this about 4-7 days a week, I do not know how they do it!
Hours spent: 3
Total hours: 4
St. Malachy's Tree Tending
On March 25th I went with SEA (Students for Environmental Action) to St. Malachy's Church on 11th street to help tend some trees. We got to the church and there was two trees right in front of the church that needed top soil and mulch spread. So we got the top soil and cut it and spread it around the tree and the same with the mulch on top. We made sure to leave some room around the tree from the mulch and make more of a donut shape. Then we spread more mulch on a couple more trees. Then we planted three flowers in each of the main tree plots.
Hours spent: 1
Total hours: 1
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Stewardship Schedule
Has already:
- Cleanup and tree plating at Sattle River County Park (3 hours)
- Sustainable Development Myerson Hall April 4 (2 hours)
- Van Jones Lecture March 29th (2 hours)
- Warwick Township parks cleanup somtime in April (3 hours)
She plans on doing:
- Working with trees at St. Malachy's parish March 25th (? hrs) Contact SEA or Jaclyn Boone
- Mill Creek Farm March 26th (3 hours) Contact SEA or Jaclyn Boone
- Philly Spring Cleanup Collaboration (? hrs) Contact SEA or Jaclyn Boone
- Northeast Tree Tenders April 16th (4 hrs) Contact Cindy Abdel
She plans on doing:
- Northeast Tree Tenders april 16th, 17th (4 hrs)
- Beach grass planting March 25th (?hrs)
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Andrew Light's Blog Post 1
1b) Who do you think developed and cares for these areas / pieces of nature?
If there are any motivating factors, what are they?
If not, what would help motivate you to participate in the development and care of these spaces?
We feel that it is necessary to care for the existing nature found in Philadelphia because we want to preserve it for future generations. We enjoy the parks like Fairmount and take advantage of all of it has to offer so we feel that by protecting it from harm we are allowing others to enjoy the same benefits from the parks. Wildlife cannot really survive healthy in the city so by protecting the parks we are also protecting the wildlife because they take refuge in nature. Also the nature in the city helps combats pollution in the city which is also very important to our living.
3) Should the rights and responsibilities towards the urban environment be given more to citizens? Why or why not?